Sponsor Payment Confirmation Report Instructions
Sponsors are required to convert the Contract Summary Report into the Payment Confirmation Report. The following steps outline this conversion:
- Sponsors have a Manufacturer Trailer Record for each P-number they are to receive a payment from. On each TPAMT Record populate:
Field 13 - DATE OF PAYMENT (CCYYMMDD) Field 14 - PAYMENT AMOUNT (decimal is implied and formatted with over-punch characters) - On the Contract Trailer Record (TPACT) populate:
Field 12 - DATE OF PAYMENT (CCYYMMDD) Field 13 – PAYMENT AMOUNT (decimal is implied and formatted with over-punch characters - The Confirmation Report will need to change from “10CSM” to “10CPC” in field 6 of the TPACH, field 6 of the TPACT, field 6 of the TPAMH and field 6 of the TPAMT records.
- Delete all of the PTOT records in the file.
- Rename the file as follows R.#######.RPT.SPON_CONFIRM The ####### is a sequential number the Sponsor received on their Sponsor Invoice Report.
- Save the file as either a flat file or a text file. You can use a text editor like WordPad, Notepad or TextPad to create the text file.
Last Updated: 03/14/2012